Politics & Strategy
What does a circular economy look like in everyday life? And most importantly, how does it feel? In the KREIS-Haus, visitors experience how a circular economy works in the context of construction and living. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to participate in a research project. KREIS-Haus stands for Klima und Ressourcen-Effizientes Suffizienz Haus (English:…
Consultation on prSIA 2066
VaLoo participated in the consultation on prSIA 2066. It regulates how open spaces can be planned, built and maintained sustainably in the future. Read about VaLoo's positions in this document (German). More information about SIA consultations can be found here.
Consultation on the Environmental Protection Act
The Advocacy Working Group participated on behalf of VaLoo in the consultation on the partial revision of the Environmental Protection Act, which aims to strengthen the circular economy in Switzerland. In the statement, we outlined our vision to promote source separation not only for solid but also for liquid waste streams in order to reduce…